Shopping small this year should mean you are shopping artist direct. Heres why:
As the holidays approach and people start filling out those lists its time to start thinking of how to best support your favorite artists and small businesses. Shop small isn't just a hashtag. It really is a lifeline to small businesses and creators being absolutely choked by big business during the holiday season. As a creator I feel like I drown in the 100's of ads and emails you see seasonally. Social Media is an un winnable game that exhausts me. This year I am kindly asking you to shop SMART. Sometimes you think you are really helping an artist out when the reality is platform fees are gobbling up profits leaving pennies remaining for your favorite creator.
When at small local businesses or eatery, cash is king, no one is taking a transaction fee from them at all and all the money (minus tax) remains in the business. Every swipe costs them money so keep that in mind if you really really want to go the extra mile this year. Every business is different but from my experience this is an accurate piece of advice.
Now for me personally:
I sell on a number of platforms and yes I am aware being in business comes at a price, but the best way to support me as an artist this year is shopping directly from this website. I know it can seem a little unclear how much you help out when you are on some of these alternate websites. Let me break it down for you to make it easier to see where your money is really going.
On Shopify I have to pay a monthly subscription fee and depending on your payment method (yes I make more from some transactions than others) there is a fee associated with that. This is the best deal for me. I have the most control here and can give the best possible customer service. You use the contact form, I am getting that email. Contact me on socials who knows when I will see it if at all. I am able to price things to cover my packaging costs on this website which helps me keep more money.
I get the MOST money right here on ashevans.com with a credit or debit card. Not Paypal, not Afterpay. I carry those options for your convenience and yes I know splitting payments helps but this is the real and honest accounting of it all. Shopping here with Paypal or Afterpay is also FAR better than our other options I am about to detail. Artist direct is always best. If you have to use Paypal or Afterpay don't worry any support this time of year is appreciated. If I am not in your budget this year thats ok too. Sharing and liking on social is free and it really does help. Referring me to a friend is also priceless.
Patreon: You have the option of just giving me the gift of support on the platform and asking nothing in return. Some people do get perks and then I am on the hook for shipping and packaging and I make far less than people realize. It does help in lean times but also comes at a price. They take a platform fee, a payment processing fee AND a payout fee. Then I get to absorb shipping, materials and packaging costs.
Etsy: Yes we have an Etsy shop which we use to bring in new customers. I usually only stock things for Halloween and Christmas to supplement. It is expensive and they take a lot of my time and money.
.20 cents per listing every time, something sells its .20 to list again. They take a 6.5% transaction fee per item. They then take 3%+0.25 per transaction, and if you click an outside ad from say Facebook its 12% and we can't opt out of that situation at all. It adds up fast and really doesn't leave much left over.
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