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All things end

All things end

We have come to the decision to end our design and manufacture of enamel pins. It's something that has been on our mind for a while for a number of reasons.  Choosing to do so is the end of an era, I have been making these for 13+ years and it was my first ever mass manufactured product. Our first enamel pin was a lollypop fox we did especially for Anthrocon. 

Over the years enamel pins have skyrocketed in popularity fueling sales but it came at a cost. They are wildly oversaturated now. This is causing MASSIVE problems in the factories causing unsafe working conditions to meet the explosive demand. The quality is dipping, the workers are stressed. It is not something we choose to support with our business anymore. There are a lot of environmental impacts, from the overt amount of plastic packaging, which we are trying to phase out of our company best we can, the chemicals and carcinogens it takes to make them the list goes on and on.

Frankly we also do not find them to be special anymore. Every artist, designer and company is carrying them and it has always been our goal to be unique. 

Our final pin completes the mythic babies series, its our baby kracken

We will be searching for more unique and eco friendly and/or US based alternatives and we can't wait to see what comes next. With this in mind please note we will not be reordering any designs again so what we have is it. 

I will not be reducing the price of our pins, we will be doing inventory soon and shipping the bulk off to a distributor for them to sell to retailers. I highly suggest if you wanted to complete a collection, ordering sooner rather than later would be advisable. 

Please note this doesn't impact our current running Kickstarter, as those pins have been set aside. 

All good things must end and while its sad I can't continue to look the other way with the concerns that are cropping up as demand climbs ever higher for these items. 

Thank you all so much for making our pins so popular and special while they lasted and I hope you find our next steps as fun as these were.