Hi Everyone,
Tomorrow is go day for Custard! Noon EST March 17th we will be launching the Kickstarter project. If anyone has any questions feel free to ask them now so we are ready to go tomorrow.
Couple things:
There are ways to support this for FREE! I get its not in everyones budget and your support on here is SO valuable but you can still help. Sharing on socials, telling a friend, liking and commenting to up engagement all are minimal effort but super helpful. Even cheering me on as I stress myself into a panic is appreciated.
If you don't have a Kickstarter account nows the time to set it up and get all your info into the system so you don't have to fuss with it tomorrow.
Now is also the time to see if you remember your password if its been a while, make sure the email is up to date as well as your credit card (check the expiration especially) AND your address. You aren't charged tomorrow but it saves me hunting down people at the end of the project.
The first day pile on is CRUCIAL to funding, so if you are going to back at all set it up tomorrow, any time is fine but the more traction we get the more visibility the project gets. You aren't charged till the end of the project and only if we are funded. You can adjust, add or cancel at ANY time while the project is running.
Real talk: I cannot pay out of pocket for plush this year at all. With the move and sales being what they have been its not happening so if we want this its gotta crowdfund. I wish it was different but I am still not doing shows and now we are moving cross country. Custard is a keystone for the Cottage Critters line and its kind of imperative we get these moving. Also this cannibalizes my sales for like two months so Patreon pays for a lot while I basically take a pay cut.
Facebook is being an ABSOLUTE wanker about Kickstarter posts so tomorrow I will be posting a link to our mailing list email and see if we can get around it. Sharing is free but also if you can like and COMMENT on the posts that ups the visibility. Facebook literally told me I could pay 14.00 to reach SIX people today and I am absolutely fuming.
There is a one of everything bundle AND early bird pricing for Custard for the first 24 hours. You must keep that early bird tier throughout the project to get that price, you CAN add on the other items through the add ons.
You aren't being charged shipping until backerkit calculates it like the ITA bag project we did last year. I did that to SAVE you money!! I pay for that service, it doesn't mess with our total and I don't have to charge a person in Maryland the same shipping price as someone in Hawaii. Kickstarter has zero leeway with that AND it goes into the final total making us have to raise more and then they take a bite out of it.
Final note I am stressed, if I forget something please remind me I am not currently all here.